
just i lil something to collect my thoughts

19.04.24: today was boring ass hell and now i'm studying(procrastinating) for a math exam i had to retake bc i failed math last year and got a shit grade. that is boring as hell too. at least i've got someone to teach me this stuff so i dont have to do this completely alone. he's a good teacher.

i'm in the culinary field meaning we have a Big Ass Kitchens in school and today we had to clean one of the areas in said B.A.K. that includes fridges, that one grill we used yesterday, the restaurant area, the floor, various shelves and other stuff. Very tiring to say the least.

then we watched a movie about some dane who goes to italy to sell a lot his late father owned. he meets a woman who changes e v er y t h i n g. though, the ending wasn't as cliche as i thought it would be. which thank god, if theres anything i hate more than anything then it's cliche romance movies, but that might be my aromanticism speaking. i don't judge if you like that but it's just not for me. The movie is called toscana, and is more about grief than the relationship between the two main characters, at least that's how i interpereted it. familial relations tend to pull on my heartstrings alot more than romantic relatons do and i was kind of fighting back tears during some scenes haha.