About me

mostly just trying to expand the website and learn all this new stuff

basic info:

  • likes: Desserts, cold weather outside, warm inside(under blankets), baggy ass clothing, the color red, floating on the surface of water and staring at the ocean floor and the little critters crawling around on a hot as fuck summer day, the gentle warmth of the sun during spring
  • dislikes: THE BLISTERING HEAT OF SUMMER I HATE IT I HATE IT ITS SENSORY HELL OH MY GOD IM AUTISTIC AND I DONT LIKE THIS. oatmeal. textures from hell. the smell of burnt butter, tight shirts that carve into my armpits, formfitting pants, formfitting ANYTHING, hot temperatures, hot temperatures and hot temperatures. and bright, white, flourescent lights. classroom enviroment.
  • hobbies: Drawing, mostly. i listen to alot of music and i guess i've picked up website making now?? i'v egot a buncha unfinished projects everywhere from crothetig, to painting, to origami, et cetera. i usually draw characters and stuff from like other media, but i don't really have any oc's or stories to tell. even though i keep coming up with them in my head i never actually sit down to write them down on paper, i just make myself cry with the most heartbreaking, tearjerking and depressing storylines ever late at night when i'm trying to sleep. haha